Riccardo Righi

Ph.D. in Statistics

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I am a statistician with a background in economics, innovation, and human development. My most recent position was with the European Commission, where I served as a Scientific Officer for the DG-JRC in Seville. I am also affiliated with the Center for Analysis of Public Policies (CAPP) at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy, as well as the Italian Statistics Society (SIS).

My research explores the latest trends in artificial intelligence and digital transformation, with a personal focus on the emergence of collaborative structures involving companies and research institutions in the development of cutting-edge technologies. Additionally, my academic work centers on machine learning techniques, complex networks, multi-layer networks, and community detection.

Here, you can find details about my background, expertise, and contributions. Please feel free to contact me for any further information.

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Last update: 25/10/2024